Thursday, November 3, 2011

Picture Perfect- Night 2

On the second night of our Picture Perfect series, Ryan dove into an area that plagues us all- that moment an argument starts to surface with a family member. That moment we can choose to hold our tongue, or we can choose to fire back. Here’s a quick recap of what we discussed:

 Session Two: Resolution
Bottom Line: In every interaction you have with your family, you always have a decision to make before you respond.
A verbal shot is fired and our gut tells us to fire back. That word, that attitude from someone else hurt us or made us mad, so we want to give some of that back. Been there? How often do we quickly react to something a sibling or parent does or says in a way that raises the level of tension and anger instead of diffusing it? But there is another option! We can choose to stop the madness and think through our words and actions. We can begin to see more clearly that when something provokes us, we have a choice to make before we respond. We can be part of the resolution instead of part of the problem.

Session Two Parent Cue: Take a recent argument or “loud discussion” you had. Write down what prompted the conversation, then write down each of your responses. Now backtrack and each of you identify the decisions you made that prompted your responses. Maybe you reacted to how something was said, or one word set you off. Maybe you responded out of fear of what could happen. 

It’s our hope that through doing this you and your teen can begin to start a conversation rather than an argument in future situations. Let us know how we can help- email us at or 

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