Thursday, October 27, 2011

Picture Perfect- Night 1

You've seen their shiny, happy faces staring at you from picture frames, magazine ads and commercials. They are the perfect family. Every tooth sparkles. Every face beams with joy. And they seem to have everything you don't. But the reality is, well they aren't real. In fact, it's an illusion. There's no such thing as a picture perfect family. Families are made up of imperfect people--people like you and me. So how do we live and interact with the family God has placed us in? How do we find a way to be a part of it, instead of just surviving and living for the day when we move on? Because no family is perfect. And no person is either.
That's a brief description of what Ryan jumped into last night at Remix. This is a pretty heavy series, but here at Relevant we're intentional about getting teens to tackle the big issues. It's our hope that throughout this series we can partner with you to help teens sort through any family issues they might be struggling with. 
Session One: SnapshotBottom Line: God has placed you in your family, so find the good in the midst of the messiness. Talk with your teen about the great things that make your family unique. Let us know how we can better serve your family. Email us at or 

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Nearsighted- Night 3

Wrapping up our Nearsighted series last night, Ryan discussed our mental perspective and in what we choose to invest our time. He brought up the idea that what we choose to think about, participate in, engage in today, shapes the choices we make tomorrow. He also unpacked the concept that the media we consume, the conversations we have, the activities we pursue, all have an impact on who we become.

As you finish up this week, think about how you spend the majority of your time. When you're traveling in the car, when you're getting ready for school, when you're hanging out with your friends. What are you watching, listening to, talking about? How does that affect your outlook?

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Nearsighted- Night 2

Tonight was the second night of our Nearsighted series Caitlin stood in for Ryan and spoke about relational perspective. Through James 3, she unpacked how the words that we say have a huge impact on our relationships.

So often we get caught up in gossip without even realizing the full extent of what we’re saying- let alone the consequences it can bring. We don’t think about how much weight our negative words carry and how they can shape another person’s self-esteem and life.

Fortunately, though, we can also give the gift of encouragement and hope with our words. This week take a few moments to talk with your teen about how to consciously think about the words that they say. Here are a few points to think about and discuss:

What if each time you started to gossip about someone else, you prayed for them instead? Why do we feel the need to speak negatively of others? Is it because of our own insecurity? Who has God put in our lives that we can encourage and build up instead of tear down?

As always, if you've got questions of feedback about the series, shoot us an email! We'd love to hear from you- or