Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Grow Up- New series starting 9/7/11

Tomorrow night we start our second series of the year, Grow Up. We're pumped about transitioning from our last series, Through the Window. Over the course of the next five weeks, we'll be examining how to apply what the Bible says to our everyday lives. Here's a quick run down of what we'll be discussing.

Do your students ever wish they could just grow up? Maybe they yearn for the day they will get their driver's licenses. Or graduate from high school. Or go away to college. They don't really want to be kids anymore. They want to be seen as adults. They want to feel like they've moved on, grown up.

We all know how that happens physically, but what about spiritually? How do we know we're growing in our faith? How do we know we're moving forward in that area of our lives? The good news is that God is just as passionate about growing our faith as we are. And there are five ways He will use to do that- some involving things that we probably already know, and other ways that we may have never thought about before.

Please pray for us and your students as we start this new series tomorrow, September 7 at 7 pm! 

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