Thursday, August 5, 2010

ReMix is STARTING!!!!!!!

Hey everyone! We just wanted to send out a reminder to let you know that ReMix is starting back on the 11th and we are so pumped that you are going to be a part of the action this year! We are going to be starting off our year with the Unlikely Series! You don't want to miss out! Below is a the overview of the series and an insert by, Tim Walker, one of the creators of our curriculum. Looking forward to seeing you on August 11th at 7:00p.m.!


Series Overview

If you haven’t noticed by now, we’re going to clue you in on something big about God—He doesn’t exactly operate like most of us. What we mean is, He chooses the most unlikely people to work through. He shows up in the most unlikely places. And then He asks us to respond in ways that are unlikely and go against our normal response. And what it all boils down to is this—you and I are unlikely people God uses in unlikely places to respond in unlikely ways.

By Tim Walker

The concept of “unlikely” is nothing new to parents, is it? Just think about it. As parents, we are constantly realizing we are unlikely people God uses in unlikely places to respond in unlikely ways. Let’s break that down (insert crazy beat, okay, maybe not):

We are unlikely. No matter how much we thought we knew about being a parent before we actually were one, there is nothing that makes a mom or dad feel unlikely than coming home with a newborn baby. Being a parent changes everything. We never hear a screaming baby in the store or a restaurant the same way again. We never look at a tired parent chasing a toddler the same way again. We never look at the parent of a teen standing there dazed and confused the same way again. Becoming a parent brings the reality that no matter how much we thought we knew, we realize it’s not as simple as we once thought.

There are times when we feel like the most ineffective parent, and then there are times when we get a sense of hope that maybe the future therapy bill of our children may not be as high as we feared it would be.

As much as parenting may seem like a roller coaster of a ride, God placed us in this role on purpose. He gave us the role to be our child’s mother, or our child’s father. Even though we may have considered ourselves an unlikely person to be a parent, or wondering since becoming one if we are as qualified for the job as we think we should be, God thinks we are. That’s why He entrusted our child to our care. The Bible is filled with examples of God using unlikely people—people who had counted themselves out, and people others counted out as well. But the more these unlikely people leaned into Him and made themselves available, the more God worked through them.

God uses us in unlikely places. It seems like there’s no more unlikely place to find God than cleaning up after a sick child in the middle of the night. Or waiting in a long line at an amusement park. Or driving the kids to practice or class. But God can use even the most mundane, ordinary, unlikely places in our lives to impact others. Sometimes it’s in the places we would least expect to find God that we run straight into Him.

But it isn’t just the physical places that seem unlikely for big things to happen. Sometimes life throws us curve balls and with little to no warning and we find ourselves in the midst of a job loss, an illness, or a divorce. It’s in these places that we wonder, “Can anything good come from here? Can this be used for anything bigger than just hurt and pain?” Fortunately, God has a reputation for showing up in the places we least expect Him to, to do the things we would least anticipate. After all, He chose a stable to make His appearance on Earth and a cross as a way to conquer death. Not exactly what we may have had in mind. But God isn’t limited by an unlikely situation or an unlikely place.

No matter how broken your home, no matter how financially messy your life, no matter how stressful your job, don’t count God out. He just may show up when you least expect Him. Look for Him.

God calls us to respond in unlikely ways. One of the more tricky things about parenting is, just when it seems like we have it figured out, our kids change, grow up and throw a wrench in our whole philosophy. We can never stay comfortable where we are for very long.

There will be times when we will best love our kids by providing boundaries and discipline, and there are times when we will best love our kids by extending grace in the midst of some big mistakes. Unfortunately, there is no formula or equation to figure out when to do what. Parenting keeps us on our toes—requiring us to grow and change in our parenting skills just as our kids grown and mature.

The one constant is our need to remember to love. At all times. At all costs. Sometimes that seems like too big a request. An unlikely response when our teenager has pushed every last button and challenged every last rule. But those are the times we can best demonstrate the heart God has for them—and for us too. Responding in love is a lesson worth learning. It may not feel natural. And it may not come easily. But it can be the beginning of you and your child better understanding the love God has lavished on us.

So just remember, even though you may feel like an unlikely candidate in an unlikely place to be the parent your teenager needs, God can use you just as you are, just where you are, to respond in unlikely ways. 

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

BigStuf Day 2 Update

Hey Guys.. We are having an amazing time here at BigStuf God is working in the lives of our students and I am already starting to see some growth and positive steps. I love my job and I love getting to invest in the lives of your students.

Last Night we heard from Doug Fields! (for more on him go HERE) He did a fantastic job and really did a great job communicating about our script and what we do when the “unthinkable” happens! When those situations arise that seem like they are simply too hard to process through and understand.

Big Idea: Your faith will not be defined when everything is going good, but rather redefined when the unthinkable happens!

Doug did a great job and I am soo pumped that our students got to hear from him.

You can also Check for video updates on the Relevant Facebook Page. Check that out HERE!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

BigStuf Camp Day 1

We have had a great day traveling down to Bigstuf and and then out first sessions here where absolutely amazing.. I am not sure that any of us were ready for how awesome the opening and the first session were going to be. The BigStuf Band rocked it and I am so pumped to see what God does this week.

Jared Herd brought our talk tonight and he did a great Job. Here are some of his thoughts.

There is always a story behind the story and he gave some really practical ways that is typically the case.

Big Idea: Having the wrong beliefs is just as powerful as the right beliefs.

In the same way that good beliefs will go hand in hand with good actions bad beliefs or misguided beliefs go hand in hand bad actions.

If you want to know what someone believes then look at his or her actions. If we want to know our own beliefs we have to look at our own actions.

The smallest change in belief can result in huge changes in your actions.

He left us with this question as we broke up into our individual Church Groups
What is one belief that you need to change or let go of this week?

It was a great talk and very challenging. Check the video out below and stayed tuned for our next update of DAY 2!!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Parenting with The End in Mind

This week I got the opportunity to write an article for a local magazine here in Clarksville. It is called the Clarksville Family. It was about Parenting with the end in mind. I completely using the orange ideas and philosophy and thoughts behind the article. I really just shared kind of what that looks like in my families life and a little about our process of deciding where we wanted the end to be.

It was a little long so I have cut some for those of you who will not even begin to read a long blog, but its still a little long sorry about that..

Hope you enjoy.

So not that long ago my wife and I sat down and discussed where we want our children to end up if we have our way. We know that life is a race but we no longer want to run as though we don’t know where the finish line is. Or if it even exist. We don’t want our children’s goal to be just finishing their race. We want them to win and make an impact on this planet. We want to point them in the direction that we feel like they should go. So we talked with each other about it for a while and came up with these three things.

Love Jesus – we want our children to know and love Jesus with all they have. We want them to know what it is to have authentic relationship with their Creator and Savior. We want them to experience the beauty God in their lives.

Love People – We want our kids to cherish and love people. We want them to understand that the same God creates us all and He loves us more than mere words can express. The flip side of that is that we as people are who deliver that message. Not by words but by our actions. We want our kids to see people as God sees them. We want them to love people as God loves them.

Change the World – We don’t have any ideas of grander for our kids to be president or over throw governments. I only know that if they allow the love of my God to be shown through them that love will unquestionably change their world and the world of the people around them. Every impact changes the world in some way. We just want them to make their impact as big and meaningful as possible.

Here is the trick though. These are all really nice and cute things to say. I mean we could even make a little cheer or something. Have a special little handshake that only we know where we say these key phrases so that they are ingrained in our kid’s minds. But if we never lead them to live this principle out then they will spend the rest of their lives running around saying a lot of cool cheers and know all the right answers but they wont live like they can. They will not even begin to tap into their potential. If our influence does not point them in that direction chances are they will go their own way.

My wife and I have discovered that if we want them live for those things then we have to be intentional in leading them there throughout their life. We have to parent as though we know where we are going. Our actions right now have to be in alignment with where we want to finish.

 If we want our kids to love Jesus then we have to love Jesus. More than that we have to be willing to be real and let our children see us hurt and struggle. Let them see us happy and sad. Don’t doubt that when we let Children see life can be rough but at the end of the day God is still good and in control that it speaks into their lives. Our Children will most clearly see God through our ups and downs if we let Him work. Those times will be spiritual markers for their lives where they saw God show Himself true.

If we want them to love people then we have to display that we love people. We have to be intentional about giving them opportunities to love those around them. Talk is cheap to kids in this culture. If you love people they will know it.  

If we want them to change the world then we have show them they can. God has a huge story and he wants all of us to be a part of it. I have to show my children that it is ok for them to risk and let God do what He does. If we let them see that God can use them to accomplish huge things then they will. They will change the world.

What are the things we you want for children when they become adults?

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Tonight, Mike Nelson came to speak to us as we continue in our "Invisibles" series. He led us through John 4

Monday, March 8, 2010

We had a great night continuing the study on The Invisibles! Nick McManus did a great job speaking to us again. He challenged us to examine the way we view the people around us; ALL the people around us. We looked at Deuteronomy 10:17-19 where the Israelites are told to love the widow, orphan and foreigner. Nick challenged us to start SEEING everyone around us as Jesus sees them, especially those that we have treated as "invisible." If we are honest with ourselves, we will admit that we tend to treat the invisibles as outcasts. We simply overlook people instead of seeing every individual as one of God's creations no matter how different they are from us.

I would like to encourage you to have a conversation with your teen this week about the people in your life that you are around consistently and tend to look over because they are different from you. Next, ask your teen to share with you about some of these invisible/outcast people in their lives. Naming them will help change the way you look at them/what you think of them, and hopefully the way you treat them, the next time you see them. Encourage your student to begin treating those people differently and commit to doing the same yourself!
Leading by example is one of the strongest ways for you to influence your kids!

This week's Big Idea: Since God has seen us, we should see the invisibles!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Merge 2010 Video..

Remix 2/24/10

Last night was the beginning of a new Series for us at REmix Exit One... The Invisibles...!!!!

We are surrounded by the invisibles. These are people who simply want to know someone cares, someone notices; people who want to know God cares. Some of us would even say we feel that way right now- invisible to an entire world that is just passing us by. Whether that feeling is a familiar one or not, the reality is that each one of us has felt invisible at one point or another. But we didn't stay that way. God saw us! He sees the invisibles. And because God took notice of us, we are able to open our eyes to see those around us.

Our big idea for the night :

Any time we encounter God, He gives us the opportunity to abandon isolation and have a relationship with Him.

It was a great night with a great Start to our Series! Nick McManus spoke and did a fantastic job explaining that we are not alone and that we have to pursue our relationship with God. That we have to make the choice not to be in isolation but to be in relationship..

I am looking forward to seeing what God is going to do in this series! Join us next week for part 2!!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Merge-Day 3

Well..... it's over...... we're very tired.... but happy... overall the weekend was a huge success. Our students came away with tales of water bottle wars, nail art, blisters and bruises from skating, sumo wrestling, t-shirt alterations, pogo stick jumping, and lots of good times. But more importantly, they worshipped, were challenged in their faith and they grew in relationship with God and each other. Thank you for allowing us to hang out with your amazing kids this weekend! Luther gets an extra pat on the back for having all the boys at his house! He mentioned something about disinfectant and repainting.....

Saturday, February 20, 2010

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Merge-Day 2

Wow! What a full day!! How much can you pack into one 13 hour period----ALOT! Here are a few highlights....!
This morning after attempting to wake up from a night filled with orange juice drinking soloists and trying to avoid pungent odors as well as some serious log sawing, we had breakfast and our first small group time of the day. Much bonding! After that, we arrived back at St. B for an "all things Relevant" morning-- rock face worship !again! , a dive back into Galatians with an intense challenge to:

>Let our relationship with God and the life we lead be driven by our overwhelming love for HIM because of His overwhelming love for us...nothing else... period!

Then, it was luuuuuuuuunchtime! Pizza!! What else would there be at a Relevant event?? Next, a snow ball fight for the boys along with some t-shirt wars before settling in for another small group debrief of the message.
Next, for the afternoon.... roller skating!!!---- And the Wipe-out King award goes toooooooo...... Blaaaaaaaaake! And the Queen of Grace award goes tooooooooo...... Madia!!!

This weekend is by all means laying a foundation for our student ministry to continue to build on! Please continue praying for God to be glorified and lives to be changed as our students encounter God and each other at a deeper level!

Merge-Day 1

... I guess that should be Night 1! Anyway, Merge has begun!!! Yeah! We are so excited for this first big event for the youth of oneChurch!! We have over 20 of our fine young ladies and gents attending this amazing weekend of worship, teaching, building relationships, eating, skating, eating, singing, chillin', eating, making fun of Ryan, laughing, playing games, making new friends, eating, making fun of Josh, maybe a little sleeping and oh yeah.... eating. Good times!! We started the event off with some amazing rockin' worship, was reminded by the band and by the speaker, Michael Bayne (youth minister at Grace Community) of God's incredible love for us as we began to learn about what the book of Galatians is all about and by taking communion. Please pray for all the leaders and kids as we hang out together with Jesus this weekend!! We'll keep you posted on the happenings, so check back soon!! There will hopefully be some pix and video soooooooon!!!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

We made it, MERGE 2010 is this weekend. Thanks to all of you who are already signed up...even if it was last minute! We are praying for each of you who is going to be a part of MERGE. This is a weekend we get to set aside for our small groups to GET AWAY even though it is right here in town. This is one weekend where we hope our lives and God come together...the MERGE. If you need more info about MERGE just click on the merge logo here at

Get ready for an amazing weekend!

MERGE works like this! You sign up. We put you in a home (a Relevant, GCC or Onechurch family who have opened up their home to us that we TRUST) with teenagers from your lifegroup. You spend an entire weekend with your friends and your lifegroup leader. We have three worship gatherings at ST. B and you have three group times with your lifegroup during the weekend. What could be better! Come on and experience MERGE...