Thursday, March 15, 2012
Scarred: Week 1
We started our new series, Scarred, last night at Remix. During this series we are going to be talking about the hurt and pain that we experience in this life. Last night, Ryan's topic was called "Hurt Happens". We know that hurt is inevitable, but being prepared for it and knowing how to manage it can help us heal. After recognizing and dealing with these events in our life, we may even be able to see God's hand in all of it.
Week 1: Parent Cue
What would you say, to date, has been your greatest hurt or pain?
Do you feel healed from this event?
In what ways could you see God's hand during or even after this experience?
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Lost in Translation: Week 3
Last night we wrapped up the current series, Lost in Translation. During the last three weeks at Relevant, we were discussing words Christians commonly use, possibly don't understand, and what they meant to the writers of the Bible. In doing so, we can better understand what may have been lost in translation and recapture and rethink it in a way that could transform us in ways we never imagined. Here's what Ryan discussed last night...
Bottom Line: Salvation isn’t just about being saved for the future but being saved for the present.
Session Three: Parent Cue
Are you confident in your salvation? Why?
What do you think it means to be "saved for the present"?
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Lost in Translation: Week Two
Last night was week two of our series, Lost in Translation. We've been talking about words we commonly use as Christians, but may not fully understand. By going through and seeing what the Bible says about these words, we can learn what all God has for us and wants for us. Here's what Ryan talked about last night...Session Two: What Matters Most
Bottom Line: True righteousness begins when we line our hearts up with God’s heart.
Session Two: Parent Cue
What things do you think you can do to be a righteous person?
What are things that you think God calls us to do to that line up with His heart?
Thursday, February 23, 2012
New Series: Lost in Translation

We started a new series last night called Lost in Translation. This three week series is about common words that we use to describe our faith, what they mean today and also what they meant to the writers of the Bible thousand of years ago. In doing so, our aim is to let these new definitions teach us more about all God has for us and wants for us.
Here's what Ryan talked about last night...
Session One: Refining the Relationship
Bottom Line: Belief is less about confidence in a set of facts and more about a personal experience with the person of Jesus.
Session One Parent Cue:
What are some personal experiences you have had with Jesus?
Did the experiences change your relationship with Jesus?
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Exposed: Week 3
Last night was week 3 of our series, "Exposed". We did this series in hopes that the students would get answers about dating and relationships and what God has to say about the choices that we make when it comes to this issue. Here's a brief glipse of what Ryan talked about last night...
Session 3: Boundaries
The students are at that age where everyone seems to be dating. Setting up boundaries TODAY, will help them know what they want in a relationship and also help lessen regret in the future. Getting in the Word and seeing what direction God has for us can bring clarity to these challenging issues.
Session 3 Parent Cue
What characteristics do you look for in someone you would date?
What boundaries do you want for a dating relationship?
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
We are pumped about our new series called Exposed. We hope to expose what God has to say about dating and relationships over the next few weeks and we know all of you have questions you want answered. Because we have middle and high school services we will make sure we try to answer questions you are asking! Gonna be a great series!
Sign up for MERGE 2012 today at // The dates are Feb. 24-26. This is our winter retreat and it is a weekend that can change your life. Talk with your small group and get signed up asap because we want to have enough room for everyone. Invite a friend and sign up today!
Friday, January 13, 2012
Grow Up- Week 4
2012 started with a bang here at Relevant. Ryan kicked off the year with a continuation of a series we started last semester, Grow Up. Our team wanted to start the year with a challenge for students, and Ryan hit the mark with his talk. Here's a brief overview of what he discussed.
Four: Big Give (01/11/12)
God grows your faith through spiritual disciplines. That’s
probably not news for you. Praying and being generous are just things that
Christian do. But there’s more than just doing an action because it’s the right
thing to do. In fact, in Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, He tells us that not only
is our heart tied to how we pray and our generosity, but also the growth of our
Four Parent Cue: How can you leverage your time this week so that you spend
more time with God? What is one way you can be generous this week?
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
2012- Bring it on!
The holidays are over and we're anxious to get back in the swing of things here at Relevant. 2012 is already shaping up to be a great year. We're pumped about all the God has laid on our hearts for this coming year.
As far as resolutions and commitments go, we're still stuck on one that doesn't seem to be changing anytime soon. It's our goal to lead teens to a personal relationship with Christ. We want every teen to see that God is relevant, loves us, and seeks each one of us. That's our bottom line, and this year more than ever, we want each week at Remix to reflect that truth.
Hopefully you or your teen will start 2012 with us- we're back tomorrow at 7! See you there!
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