You've seen their shiny, happy faces staring at you from picture frames, magazine ads and commercials. They are the perfect family. Every tooth sparkles. Every face beams with joy. And they seem to have everything you don't. But the reality is, well they aren't real. In fact, it's an illusion. There's no such thing as a picture perfect family. Families are made up of imperfect people--people like you and me. So how do we live and interact with the family God has placed us in? How do we find a way to be a part of it, instead of just surviving and living for the day when we move on? Because no family is perfect. And no person is either.
That's a brief description of what Ryan jumped into last night at Remix. This is a pretty heavy series, but here at Relevant we're intentional about getting teens to tackle the big issues. It's our hope that throughout this series we can partner with you to help teens sort through any family issues they might be struggling with.
Session One: SnapshotBottom Line: God has placed you in your family, so find the good in the midst of the messiness. Talk with your teen about the great things that make your family unique. Let us know how we can better serve your family. Email us at or