We had a great night continuing the study on The Invisibles! Nick McManus did a great job speaking to us again. He challenged us to examine the way we view the people around us; ALL the people around us. We looked at Deuteronomy 10:17-19 where the Israelites are told to love the widow, orphan and foreigner. Nick challenged us to start SEEING everyone around us as Jesus sees them, especially those that we have treated as "invisible." If we are honest with ourselves, we will admit that we tend to treat the invisibles as outcasts. We simply overlook people instead of seeing every individual as one of God's creations no matter how different they are from us.
I would like to encourage you to have a conversation with your teen this week about the people in your life that you are around consistently and tend to look over because they are different from you. Next, ask your teen to share with you about some of these invisible/outcast people in their lives. Naming them will help change the way you look at them/what you think of them, and hopefully the way you treat them, the next time you see them. Encourage your student to begin treating those people differently and commit to doing the same yourself!
Leading by example is one of the strongest ways for you to influence your kids!
This week's Big Idea: Since God has seen us, we should see the invisibles!